St Paul's Church, Low Moor

Reaching out and growing together in God's love

Pastoral Coordinator

 St Pauls New Pastoral Coordinator is Maureen Holt


I wanted to give some updates on my new role as Pastoral Coordinator.

I spent a few weeks quietly finding out what was already happening and just getting to know more about the people already involved. My next step was to meet with as many of these people as I could so that I could find out how I could contribute and help alongside them. 

The encouragement I received from everyone was lovely. If  you haven't already contacted me and want to be added to the visiting list please catch me anytime at church or on this link

If you know anyone who is in need of a visit or any kind of help please can you let us know. I am aware that lots of the visits are friendship based, but if you feel they would appreciate being added to the list they would be welcome.

I look forward to getting more involved, and meeting more of the church family that perhaps don't manage to attend as frequently as they were once able to.



                                     Maureen Holt, 

                                        Pastoral Coordinator