St Paul's Church, Low Moor

Reaching out and growing together in God's love

All Age Worship

The second Sunday of every month we have our all age worship, the start time is the same as the other services in the month however they are generally only about 35 minutes long, The service structure of readings, prayer intercession, songs and Hymns are led by Florence and Eve. The service has more children friendly approach. 

Eve Church Costa  Here is Eve grabbing a quick coffee & ready to assist in the service 

Our Nativity for 2024 was well organised by Catherine and some of the acting skills were some what interesting by the adults!! A lovely service with in important story 

All Age Christmas Nativity 2023

Superb effort from all the children (and some adults of course) This was our nativity play for Christmas 2023. We certainly needed more space, Thanks to Lynda for all the costumes and assistance back stage